If you aren't making your self-care a priority, how can you care for others with an empty tank?



You are striving to do your best in ALL THE THINGS,

and this program is the key to helping you discover

that self-care is not something to fit into your schedule,

but rather something that makes your schedule

more manageable and enjoyable. 

With Results Like These:

"Your smile, your energy, and your commitment to do what is kind and right is something a person can count on each time! This is a simple thing that can teach all of us – daily –

how to help ourselves live a better life."

~Linda Sturtevant

"With her expertise in both physical health and emotional well-being, Brooke has helped me progress toward better holistic wellness, giving me more sustainable energy and creativity in all areas of my life. I'm grateful for her help and support."

~Mo Mordick

"Brooke has taught me through fitness the amazing benefits of mental and spiritual health . One of the best things I have taken away from  this journey is the importance of self-care."



~Heather Mason

From: the Desk of Brooke Campbell, Business Owner/ Wife of a High School Head Basketball Coach/ Mother of 4

Making time for self-care might seem impossible.

I get it! Some days it's hard enough to take a peaceful shower or go to the bathroom (alone) without someone needing your attention.


And if you are like so many high-achieving parents who KNOW what you should be doing to look/feel/be your best self, but struggle with figuring out how to do that with the crazy schedule your family has, you have come to realize something. The busy-ness of life has gotten in the way of a couple areas that are so vital- your physical and spiritual health. We don't intend for this to happen, but we are humans, and that means we cannot do everything well all the time


When someone becomes a parent, life changes in incredible ways. For moms, we have dramatic changes in our bodies and in our schedules, just to name a couple that are relevant to my point.


I don't believe it's possible to look back at our pre-motherhood self-care practices and expect to jump right back into that rhythm.  You have another human to take care of now. And as a coach, I am not going to push you to do extreme things like workout everyday for 60+ minutes, get 9 hours of blissful sleep and adopt a fully plant-based gluten/dairy/sugar free diet. (I mean, that would be awesome, but I'm all about reality, friends!) 


How does this sound: all you have to do is make a commitment to 30 minutes of self-care for 30 days in a row so that you can get a good taste of how you can feel (hopefully way better!) Are you a little bit curious to do this experiment on yourself? (and have a friend join you?) 


So, if you think it's time to make self-care an honest priority:

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Take my hand, and let's have some fun together for 30 days. 


You deserve to feel all the incredible benefits!


If you think about it, if you only got one result, and that was more energy, then that would mean that you could do more with your valuable time each day, right? So, investing your time on you means that you are able to accomplish more and help more people. Sounds like a win-win!





Chances are that you once had a fantastic routine of self-care that involved exercise, sleep, nutrition, and so on.


You felt AMAZING, and you yearn to feel that way again. Stay with me here....the good news is that you can feel that way again, but the conditions of your life are different now, so your journey to feeling that way will be different. That can be exciting and scary and frustrating and inspiring! 


Guess what? There will be days when you will struggle to fit it in, but that is why I will share how to be creative and have some "go-to's" that fit into your schedule more easily. 


Imagine for just a moment...


...that you had a few suggestions each day for simple, effective ways to do good for your mind, body and spirit...


...that you could start feeling better in just 30 minutes a day...


...that your kids would notice a happier mom who had enjoyed a little endorphin release and spread the positive energy throughout the house...


...You would have enough energy to tackle anything that life throws in your way.


As a mother of 4, I discovered after having my 4th baby and caring 3 other children under the age of 10...that I was ANXIOUS! That was a new feeling for me. I didn't like it, and I knew I had to do something about it. It was then that I designed a 30-day intentional challenge for myself to do something each and EVERY day that would benefit me mentally, physically, emotionally, and/or socially.


So I did it, and I felt so much better! And just to make sure it wasn't just hormones causing me to have the mood swings, I tried it again when my baby was five months old. And, you guessed it....I felt even better and especially LOVED how my core was stronger and my anxiety was back to a healthy level. 


I especially love the tracker that I could check in with each day. I loved how I felt challenged to do something new and different or to dedicate time to doing something that I have always enjoyed but put on the back burner since having a new baby. 


The best part of my little experiment I did on myself was that it encouraged me to be mindful of the results of self-care so that I could validate making it priority in my crazy schedule. 


So, what do you think? Wouldn’t that be nice? If you could be intentional with making time for YOU through a guided 30 day challenge and be guaranteed to feel positive results? 


Well, you don’t have to “imagine” any longer. Because... it’s here.




  • You’ll have the support you need to get out of your own way and finally PRIORITIZE mommy's "me time" so that you are more patient and present for your family. 

  • I will show up for you in your email inbox every day with three simple self-care ideas for the day, at least one of which will have a video or PDF that I've created based on years of leading clients who are facing the same challenges as you.

  • You will receive a handy  tracker that will help you pre-plan your week and then document what you do and how you feel so that you can celebrate your success or learn how to do even better the next day. 


  • Many have told me that health is wealth, and wouldn't you agree? Taking 30 minutes per day to consciously choose to do something that you enjoy, that's good for you mentally, physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually.....that's what I'm so passionate about helping you with. You deserve to cash out from that investment with high dividends. 


...because your well-being (and your family) deserve the best!


“I really appreciated the wisdom Brooke had to cater the workout to whoever was participating. We had 4 family members whose bodies are at extremely different stages of life (pregnancy, athlete, young mom, older mom) and she was somehow able to make the workout extremely beneficial for each individual!”


She gives great visualizations to help engage certain muscles in your lower abdomen and pelvic floor that are typically very difficult to engage!”

Ali Branvold

At A Glance Tracker

30-day tracker with three different daily self-care ideas -or choose your own!

The tracker can be printed out and placed somewhere where you'll see it each day or kept electronically.


A daily e-mail will prompt you to look at your tracker and FOLLOW the plan you created at the beginning of the week. 


It's all about accountability, my friend!

Meditations and Exercises

A variety of exercise videos and guided audio meditations that range from 5 minutes to 20 minutes

Here are just a few titles of the recordings:


Endless Gratitude Meditation

Stairwell Step Aerobics

Crunchless Core 2.0

Full-Body Foam Rolling


Sounds intriguing, right? 

Brooke's Resources for Busy Moms

Downloads of resources that are helpful to moms who want simple tools and tips for making healthy living part of their family priorities  

Here is a sneak peek at what resources are inside:


Family Meal Plan and Grocery Store List

Restorative Bedtime Routine

Nature Scavenger Hunt



You and your kids will enjoy these for sure!


That Lets You Sleep Easily At Night!


The fact that you’re reading this section means you already know that doing something like this for YOU is just what you need, but perhaps you still have a bit of doubt. Hesitation. Risk. I get it. Like…


"This sounds too good to be true! How am I supposed to know this is really what I need?”


Well… that’s simple. Try it.

If it doesn’t then just email me at Brooke@fitmomconnection.com ANY TIME during the 30 days, show me you actually did the work and I’ll happily refund your full payment.


But, I’m not going to deny it...there’s one thing you gotta do first.


The work.  You’ve gotta show us that you actually did the work.


You might be asking, why?


My reasoning for this is a no-brainer...Nothing will ever change for you unless you show up and actually do the work.


Lots of people believe that just by pressing the buy now button their problems will be automatically solved without doing the work. 


This program won’t work unless YOU do! (and you DESERVE to give yourself the time to do it.)


And the best part is this…


If you think there’s a “slight chance'' that the 30x30 Self-Care Challenge will work for you, you should enroll today.


If it works, your well-being will never be the same.  You’ll feel more energy and be so proud of yourself. 


If it doesn’t work, email me, show that you did the work and you'll get a prompt refund.


That’s why I am happy to offer you this risk-free 30-day guarantee.


It’s a no-brainer...


They've made a mental committment, received support from their families, put in the work, and then taken intentional time to reflect mindfully on how they feel as a result. It is so simple that it is almost hard to believe. It doesn't need to be complicated, but developing the habit can be challenging until we learn to let go of doing some other things that aren't serving us. 

3. This sounds overwhelming. What if I don't have 30 minutes per day to commit to self-care?

5. What is the guarantee/refund policy? 

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